• How much does a room cost in Melbourne?


    The cost of a room in Melbourne Hotel can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of accommodation, the location within Melbourne, the quality of the room, and whether it is a private room or shared accommodation. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, here are some approximate price ranges for different types of rooms in Melbourne:

    1. Hostel Dormitory: If you’re staying in a hostel dormitory, prices can vary based on the number of beds in the room, with rates typically ranging from AUD 20 to AUD 60 per night. Prices can be higher during peak tourist seasons.
    2. Budget Hotel: Budget hotel rooms in Melbourne can start at around AUD 80 to AUD 150 per night for a standard room, depending on the hotel’s location and amenities.
    3. Private Room in a Shared House or Apartment: Renting a private room in a shared house or apartment can

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